Monday, 4 February 2008


3:20 Southwell

Advised bet:

2 Point Lay - BASALT @ 2.0 - IN RUNNING if matched.

This horse should try and make all so we should have a decent chance of getting matched. I dont want to risk any more than 2 points on this bet so I have to play it in running. Just set the lay again and see how it goes.


Basalt ended up winning very easily so it was a loss of 2 points on the bet but it was a good job we layed in running rather than take the 2.88 it was trading at pre race.


Anonymous said...

Did you realise you have gone against The Couch and Nick Shamborus with this one Brig.
Nick has given it as an 80/20 and The Couch has napped it in the racing post.

Godfrey Hoopington-Charles said...

I dont worry about going against the men in the press or some internet radio presenter. They may have won this one but the Brig fears no one. ;)